Title: 21st Tactical Flying Style Post by: Jayhawk on June 10, 2009, 08:22:50 pm Before joining the 21st Tactical Squadron, it is important to understand the squad we want to create and the environment we want to fly in. First and foremost we fly to have fun, however certain people have fun in different ways. For us, flying in a tightly knit organized squad is fun. We want to form a squad that is unlike any major squad I’ve ever seen in Aces High. The most basic form of flying you will need to get used to is flying with a wingman to form an Element. (http://i666.photobucket.com/albums/vv23/Jayhawk1/wingman-1.jpg) The Element allows for a greater opportunity for success and survival in combat. Many people have never flown with a wingman, and it can be more difficult than you think. However, with time and practice you will learn to maintain your SA (Situational Awareness) and keep and eye on your wingman as much as all the bogies around you. You can quickly make a pass at a bogie on your wingman’s six or rely on him to do the same. Success in combat (i.e. KILLS) comes from practice at keeping your wingman alive. It is important to start your practice with a wingman without the goal of landing multiple kills, that is a secondary objective. From the element you will form a Flight. A flight consists of two sets of elements totaling four pilots. (http://i666.photobucket.com/albums/vv23/Jayhawk1/VicFormation.jpg) A Flight relies on many of the sample principles of the element because it is built from it. You are still responsible for your wingman and you must follow the chain of command within the flight. Take the above example of a flight in the Vic Formation; if flown as two elements, wingmen are under the command of their leader, in a flight, all are under the command of the Flight Leader. The formation of a squad shows other (friendlies and enemies) the organization and seriousness of those pilots. Would you want to mess with four planes coming at you in a tight formation? A formation also allows others to check your six by looking over their shoulder. This can be particularly helpful in planes that have a bad rear view. (http://i666.photobucket.com/albums/vv23/Jayhawk1/wedgeformation.jpg) The Wedge Formation is very similar to the Vic, only more spread out. The difficulty in these formations lies largely in the EL Wingman. He must form-up his plane on the Element Leader who is forming up on the Flight Leader. These are all tactics that come with practice and flying time as a squad. From these Flights we can build up multiple flights depending on number of pilots and objectives. Also, if the CO and XO deem it necessary, flights can be assigned tags for easier identification. For example: If there are eight squad members online, we would divide into two flights. One would likely be headed by me, the CO while the other would be headed by the XO, tomart. Let us assume we are heading to pork a base. Flights could be designated as Alpha and Bravo. Alpha 1- Flight Leader (myself) Alpha 2- Flight Leader Wingman Alpha 3- Element Leader Alpha 4- Element Leader Wingman Bravo 1- Flight Leader (tomart) Bravo 2- Flight Leader Wingman Bravo 3- Element Leader Bravo 4- Element Leader Wingman Flight Leaders would designate objectives for each flight: Alpha Flight Primary Targets: Fighter Hangers Secondary Targets: Radar, Ords Bravo Flight Primary Targets: VH Secondary Target: Bomber Hangers, Troops Or, for another example: Alpha Flight Primary Objective: Destroy VH and Field ack and establish CAP on feild Secondary Objective: Aid Bravo Flight in taking down town. Bravo Flight Primary Objective: Destroy Town to Capture field. This would allow Commanders and Flight Leaders to quickly designate targets as “Alpha 3 target main pad north hanger, Alpha 4 target main pad south hanger” or Bravo Flight engage bogies. Don’t worry if you feel like this is all over your head, the CO and XO of this squad are patient and will work with you to help learn what you need to know. -Jayhawk |